Sunday, March 21, 2010

Term break , bye bye . New term , hey hey .

Saturday - Skipped tuition . Stayed home . Did assignments .
Sunday - Out for lunch . Home-d . Did assigments .
Monday - CCA . Dinner . Burned midnight oil .
Tuesday - Mugging .
Wednesday - Tuition . Home-d . Nap . Mugged .
Thursday - Hang out at Amira's place , together with Alyssa . Movie marathon . Small feast . Wii-ed . Left . Met boyf . Home-d .
Friday - CCA . Dinner . Met boyf . Home-d .
Saturday - Tuition . Lunch . Met boyf . Assigments .
Sunday - Last day of mugging . Completed everything . Now , I can set my mind off the brain-wrecking homeworks .

17 more days . ;D
A pretty brief summary of my term break .
Well , it may not be my type on blogging these days .
Fact is , I lost the enthusiasm to blog that often and detailed .
Sincere apologies to those who have religiously reading my blog . ):

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