Friday, November 6, 2009


I've got into 3E3 into 2010 . It may not be the class that I wanted but 3E3 isn't a bad class after all . I bet I'll be more than happy being in that class . (:

#1 English
#2 Malay
#3 E Math
#4 SS/Hist
#5 A Math
#6 Sci (Phy/Chem)
#7 POA (Ive never thought of doing this subject)

Those are what Ive chosen and are given to my desire . I promised myself to do well for everything and hopefully , not dropping any subject including POA . We decide , teachers recommend and consider . They know what we're capable of and we shouldn't let them down . After all , the gaining party is US and not the teachers . Our success is their success , too . To show that you're great , strive to do well and make our dearest family , teachers and those who care for you proud . (:
With that , Im working out to start studying during this hols and start the year 2010 with some basic knowledge in mind .

Some friends are planning to start pre-lessons in a study group . Uhm , Im still considering despite the fact that I want it so much . Anw , I'll only be having tuition once a week for Eng and E Math , 1.5 hours per subject . It doesnt help much but it depends on how the individual take it as . As for me , I can see myself improving slowly and Im happy being there . Might as well , continue it . So jyeah . Other than that , help from elder cousins , peers and teachers are much needed .

"Whatever you got and/or given is all up to you how you manage it . Its your choice , your future . Mummy and daddy will only be there supporting you to do well cos we know we cant really help you in your studies ," quoted from dearest parents .

To see how concern they're now and then , I really do not wish to let them down in a way or another . My achievements is their pride , my happiness is their smiles and my journey is their support .

I must have the strength and will to always go on even though I fall 10 over times cos there's sure failures in everything . No one's perfect . An ambition to be a lawyer isn't easy at all . Thus , to study is one thing and to do well is another . They're linked . Never give is the key . I hope I'll manage it well .

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