Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ohh Myy Gayy !

Ohh myy gayy ! I didn't know that live could be just full of surprises! Kayy, what Im talking about? Here it goes -

#1 Ive just found out that Rhyhan went for an audtion at SOTA as part of the DSA procedure that he tried for. Right now, he's waiting for response. How awesome is that? I wish I did. Lols, crap. Anw, wishing him the best of luck. Way to go, Rhyhan!

#2 Thanks to byKINA that the boys are now calling me 'Sabby' officially. And to Shawn Ng, I really appreciate your compliment. (: They may sound irritating but thats the whole point.

#3 There was a "riot" between HBP fans and Ice Age 3 in class ytdy. Half the class was planning for a movie outing this Sat/Sun but theres a battle. The boys + few girls prefers HBP whereas majority of the Chi girls wants to watch Ice Age 3. I wasn't into the "riot" but I was dragged.
Annabel ; Sabrina, you want go watch Ice Age 3?
(I was reading at that time)
Me ; Erm, not really I'd prefer HP.
(Melvin Goh heard that from me)
Melvin ; Sabrina! Jyeah, HP is the choice. You rock laa!
Me ; Lols? Random siaa you. But well, Im into HP. So jyeah.
(Annabel abit paiseyh laa. Sorry ViceChair)
#4 Ms Wong (Our Sci Cher), is officially our new band cher now. She'll be together in-charge with Ms Lee. In total, we've got 4 band chers.
PS. Ms Lee, can I not be in the photo-taking for the school CCA page? I didnt even agreed to it but you put me in! I paiseyh laa. (This happens cos the school wants each CCA to send 4 members, 2 girls & 2 guys of different races whenever possible. The prob when solution lies together as Im the only Malay in the band!!! Haih, too bad)

#5 Im glad that the banner-design turned out well. Each CCA had to do a banner in encouraging the graduating students to do well in their major exams. It's nice, ok? (Of course laa, I designed it what. The rest just "copy & paste" Wee ~)

#6 Im never going to bring sis out with me whenever Im with byKINA & bySNAR. I know it's bad but the consequences are terrible. For example today, they were laughing the whole time during lunch at KFC when sis did some gestures which are normal to me but weird in their sense and IDK why. This isnt the first time but everytime when they see sis.

#7 I saw Amir & Syahmi when we were at KFC. bySNAR and I went to the washing are to wash our hands (somewhr near their seats) Amir looked at me and gave me a stare. I didnt bother so acted as if I didnt know him. Haahs. After, bySNAR was laughing AGAIN and it made me laugh. Kayy, retarded. But jyeah, no choice. High level of humor, though we knew that the boys were looking. Heyy, we got life aites?

#8 My dear FarhanaTWIN, it's all up to you to decide. Your life, your choice. At this point, I really cant help both parties cos Im not sure how and afraid that I may cause unnecessary conflicts amongst US. All I can do is lend you a shoulder to cry and ears to listen. Im sorry I cant help beyond my capability but only my withins. I hope you understand.

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