Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:54 PM):
somebody's birthday's coming

Saab-reenaa . says (9:54 PM):
oh jyeah.(:

alyssa. says (9:55 PM):

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:55 PM):
idk why,this year i'm like so BROKE!but i somehow fork out money for vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv important people!

alyssa. says (9:55 PM):

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:55 PM):
suke la tu!

alyssa. says (9:55 PM):
i think im not celebrating my bday this yr

Saab-reenaa . says (9:55 PM):

♥Jeleen Angela; RAINBOW ROCK! says (9:56 PM):
ahhaa, why not?

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:56 PM):
jeleen,we bb her on friday,since she doesn't have CCA!

alyssa. says (9:56 PM):
have la

♥Jeleen Angela; RAINBOW ROCK! says (9:57 PM):
what dont have?
oh wait i slow
cancan :D

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:57 PM):
*inserts mischievious smile*

alyssa. says (9:57 PM):
dont scare me

♥Jeleen Angela; RAINBOW ROCK! says (9:58 PM):
we will ^^

Saab-reenaa . says (9:58 PM):
i wish im dere.

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:58 PM):
yeah,wish you were here too.then can use your english to lure her!

♥Jeleen Angela; RAINBOW ROCK! says (9:59 PM):
haha yeah

Saab-reenaa . says (9:59 PM):
haahs, lol.

alyssa. says (9:59 PM):
haha yeah sabrina. since you transfer school.. my life has been so empty.
chey!! hahahahahha

Saab-reenaa . says (9:59 PM):
aww, dont make it sound soo ... idk . i sad tao.

Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (9:59 PM):
yeah,feels empty.
Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (10:00 PM):
although its not,but it just feels empty
Life Is Not A Korean Movie says (10:01 PM):

I miss the trios more and more as days gone by. They are damn sweet, arent they? I miss the tears and laughter that we shared. The craps, jokes, advices and encouragement we said/text-ed each other. Im not forgetting every moment we had together. They're all just to precious to be erased. And jyeah, Alyssa bday's on 1 Aug. COMNING SOON!
And, I believe in Kaleidescope. What do I mean? Erm, I wont elaborate it here now. Maybe next time. Needa examples for elaborations. Haahs (:
Much lovessss frm SAB ♥

Friday, July 24, 2009

Now I know the real meaning of having Zong Hao (ZH) as ur seatbuddy. I get super duper cracked up and his "awesome" great sense of humor is fantastic. Kayy, you might not get what I mean and so, wil explained what happened quite briefly before I get into details.
Yesterday, after MT lesson - Mdm Low shuffled some people's seats. One of them is ZH, who's now right behind me. He can get me angry/laughing/stressed up all at the same time.
Its only been a day or two and I can already tell whats his "pattern" like. How fantastic is that? Retarded, rite? Its like this -

#1 He LOVES playing with my long, silky, black hair. According to him, he's jealous of my long hair. (This action of his makes me irritated as he's actually pulling my hair and messed it up. Aghh)
#2 His all-so-dirty-sick-disgusting jokes makes my ear vomit. Imagine that. But, I'll be like laughing alot till I cry/choke/flushed red. I swear. Like what happened today. Inside joke.
#3 His sense of humor towards everyone is funny to the maxzxzxzxzxzxzx! Cant expain but jyeah. We'll see how it goes and I'll update if Ive got the chance.

This might be an oh-so-random post but after all its my space and I can write whatever I want. So jyeah, dont protest/spam/strike/riot. Im just posting cos Ive got the mood.

Agenda for tomorrow ;
~ Tuition from 9am to 12.15pm.
~ 'Poetry cum Skit' rehearsal from 1.30 to 3.30pm for competition at St Patrick's, which has been postponed to 15 Aug.
~ "Kenduri" at Uncle's place in Tampines and Ive got to make my way there on my own right after the rehearsal cos the rest of the fam will be going quite early.

I'll prolly update on Sun or so if theres anything interesting.
Tkcares, people.
Time checked ; 11.20pm
Currently ; Texting, chatting and net-surfing
To-do ; Off this lappy in 20-30 mins' time and complete homeworks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ohh Myy Gayy !

Ohh myy gayy ! I didn't know that live could be just full of surprises! Kayy, what Im talking about? Here it goes -

#1 Ive just found out that Rhyhan went for an audtion at SOTA as part of the DSA procedure that he tried for. Right now, he's waiting for response. How awesome is that? I wish I did. Lols, crap. Anw, wishing him the best of luck. Way to go, Rhyhan!

#2 Thanks to byKINA that the boys are now calling me 'Sabby' officially. And to Shawn Ng, I really appreciate your compliment. (: They may sound irritating but thats the whole point.

#3 There was a "riot" between HBP fans and Ice Age 3 in class ytdy. Half the class was planning for a movie outing this Sat/Sun but theres a battle. The boys + few girls prefers HBP whereas majority of the Chi girls wants to watch Ice Age 3. I wasn't into the "riot" but I was dragged.
Annabel ; Sabrina, you want go watch Ice Age 3?
(I was reading at that time)
Me ; Erm, not really I'd prefer HP.
(Melvin Goh heard that from me)
Melvin ; Sabrina! Jyeah, HP is the choice. You rock laa!
Me ; Lols? Random siaa you. But well, Im into HP. So jyeah.
(Annabel abit paiseyh laa. Sorry ViceChair)
#4 Ms Wong (Our Sci Cher), is officially our new band cher now. She'll be together in-charge with Ms Lee. In total, we've got 4 band chers.
PS. Ms Lee, can I not be in the photo-taking for the school CCA page? I didnt even agreed to it but you put me in! I paiseyh laa. (This happens cos the school wants each CCA to send 4 members, 2 girls & 2 guys of different races whenever possible. The prob when solution lies together as Im the only Malay in the band!!! Haih, too bad)

#5 Im glad that the banner-design turned out well. Each CCA had to do a banner in encouraging the graduating students to do well in their major exams. It's nice, ok? (Of course laa, I designed it what. The rest just "copy & paste" Wee ~)

#6 Im never going to bring sis out with me whenever Im with byKINA & bySNAR. I know it's bad but the consequences are terrible. For example today, they were laughing the whole time during lunch at KFC when sis did some gestures which are normal to me but weird in their sense and IDK why. This isnt the first time but everytime when they see sis.

#7 I saw Amir & Syahmi when we were at KFC. bySNAR and I went to the washing are to wash our hands (somewhr near their seats) Amir looked at me and gave me a stare. I didnt bother so acted as if I didnt know him. Haahs. After, bySNAR was laughing AGAIN and it made me laugh. Kayy, retarded. But jyeah, no choice. High level of humor, though we knew that the boys were looking. Heyy, we got life aites?

#8 My dear FarhanaTWIN, it's all up to you to decide. Your life, your choice. At this point, I really cant help both parties cos Im not sure how and afraid that I may cause unnecessary conflicts amongst US. All I can do is lend you a shoulder to cry and ears to listen. Im sorry I cant help beyond my capability but only my withins. I hope you understand.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ive neglected this precious online diary of mine for too long alr. Shall blog it right now. I apoogised to my readers who religiously been reading.

Monday, 13 July 09
School was ok. It's undeniably fun and enjoying when there's people who could make ur day as wonderful as it can be.
Diyanah ; Who never fails to ask your well-being each morning and have other people's at her heart. She's sweet, caring and loving.
Kina ; Who never fails to make you laugh with her laugh. Haahs. She's loud but has a caring and loving heart, though. Never judge a book by its cover.
Nadia ; The sweet-hearted girl who's soft and easy to talk to.
Nica ; The pure artistic-minded girl who LOVES arts -visual and music. She's good at advices.
Shannie ; She's loud and wild but loving. Much looovvveeesss. Never fails to give ue a morning hug and shouting "Good Morning" to everyone each time they walks into class.
The rest of the class, of course. Esp the ones who sits at the back of the class with the dirty jokes. Well, surrounded by boys .. Thats why. Miserable for Joey, Caroline and myself but yet they make us laugh out LOUD.

Tuesday, 14 July 09
Didnt went to school. I wasn't feeling well and went to the doc. Had the day's MC. The medicines that the doc prescribed is wayyyy too drowsy-causing. I literally slept the whole day(?) After the visit to the doc, I had my breakfast and then took medicines. About half an hour or so, I fell asleep at the couch. Woke up 3 ++ hrs later and ate again and medicine-ed again. Slept again. Woke up 4 hrs later. Ate again, medicine-ed again and slept. Jyeah, medicine-ed 3 times a day, each after meal. Lol. I feel much better, though.

Wednesday, 15 July 09
There's a few lessons and hwks to catch from the previous day. Tried my best to catch up and paid attention in class (as always). Im a good girl, okeyh. For the rest of the day, I cant recall what took place except for those jokes that Ive to tolerate from the boys. And I remember 1/2 ;
Aldwin - Ehk, Sabrina. I tink Im going to burn ur hair since it's too long.
Me - So what if my hair is too long? It doesnt bother ue, anw. And if ue dare to do that, I bet my father will come after ue.
Haahs, lol. Random but jyeah, it always happen. Imagine that.
Went home straight after school. And blah blah blah.

Thursday, 16 July 09
School was normal. Shall not write about it. Cos it's the same old jokes Im hearing from the boys everyday. Lol. But the girls - WE ROCK SOCKS, aites? I wasn't in a good mood later that night but I cant recall why. Slept quite late thinking about it.

Friday, 17 July 09.
There's this person who came back into my life after being MIA for a year-plus. Im really fuck-ed up with him/her. Its good that Im not naming the person. Ive already speak the truth and yet you're still bugging me. Do you need an extra Eng/Malay lesson with me to make ue understand more? You're such a bloody bastard, ass-hole. You suck-ed, mayn. Ive got no time to tolerate all your nonsense and having the sympathy on ue. In ur dreams laa ehk. Get a life, please.

Saturday, 18 July 09
Went for tuition. Enjoyed much but I really hope that Mr Ghafur would come back to teach us again for Math. But well, it'll never happen cos he had officially resigned. He's a student and a husband. And so, leading a busy life. Can't blame him, though. All the best and good luck in everything ue do, Mr Ghafur - on behalf of 2E! Kayy, planning a small yet memorable farewell party for him someday. Will have discussion with the Class Comm and the class itself. After tuition, went to CP with Shidah to run some errands and headed home. At home, spent the whole time completing my hwks. Im glad that I managed to finshed them all! Wee ~ Though I spent hors and hours but all my efforts paid off. Im happy (:

Sunday, 19 July 09
Woke up with a smile, I swear. I had the sweetest dream last night. How I wish it would come true. (: I dreamt of a mysterious Mr Right who understands me totally, I swear.

He knew when to call me up.
He gave me a shoulder to cry on.
He gave me a hug to warm me up.
He fixes dates for a talk.
He planned things out for an outing.
He asked me for my thoughts.
He hears me out and never oppose to anything.
He's the sweetest guy I knew in my dream.

Is there really an exact soul on Earth whom I met in my dream? If yes, prove it to me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

May all your dreams and wishes come true. And hopefully our friendship will be like a circle with no ends. Love, Sabrina.

Currently, chiong-ing all my weekends assignments/homeworks. Cos afraid may not have much time tmrw; FAMILY DAY laa. Shall not post on my days now. Next time, aites? See ya, readers.

On the other hand, Im currently urging to do the following with friends and/or family;
#1 Watch Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince at Vivo City.
#2 A trip to Singapore Zoological Gardens.
#3 A trip to Sentosa.
#4 A lunch/dinner treat at Swensens/Pizza Hut/Pasta Mania/Cafeela @ Jln Kayu + STARBUCKS.
#5 Watch Ice Age 3 (3D) at Plaza Singapura.
And still thinking ... Ppl, pretty please ; Do ring me up if you have plans for any of those above. PLEASE, IM BEGGING!

Plus plus plus .. I want band prac to resume asap badly! Just read the recent post in the band blog. It states that CCA is cancelled for the THIRD consecutive week all cos of the bloody H1N1! Damn it laa. Sianzxzxzxzxz!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

write the names of 21 friends you can think in your mind .and then answer the questions , say you're guessing if you don't know .but at least guess on all of them .after doing this , tag 21 unlucky friends to do the same thing .
1) Amira

2) Alyssa
3) Jeleen
4) Diyanah

5) Farhana (TWIN SIS)
6) Kina
7) Seri Nadia
8) Nica
9) Asiyah

10) Isabel

11) Rui Yun

12) Shidah

13) Hanyza
14) Faruq
15) Mirza

16) Ashaari
17) Sofia Arissa

18) RenceJIE
19) Yi JieKOR

20) June Chan
21) Siti Hajar

1. how do i meet 7 ?

Just this year, when Im enrolled into the school.

2. what would you do if you and 15 had never met ?

Erm, I woudn't have anyone to pick on easily. Haahs. xD

3. what would you do if 20 and 1 dated ?
OMGGG! That'll never happen cos they aren't lesbians and they've got their own taste of MR.RIGHT.

4. have you seen 17 cried ?

She's crazy whenever I sees her. And so, it is almost impossible for me to see her cry.

5. would 4 and 16 make a good couple ?


Oh mee goshh! Absoutely, not cos they don't know each other. And even if they do, they won't make a couple, though.

6. do you think 11 is attractive ?

Yes, of course! She's my best friend, btw. As her best friend, everything of any sorts she has looks good to me. That makes a true friend, right bestie?

7. what is 2's favourite colour ?


Err, is it red or something? Ive forgetten. Im sorry, dearest.

8. when the last time i talked to 9 ?

13 Mins ago. Heehs.

9. what language does 8 speaks ?


Hmphh. English and Tagalog, right? Obviuosly laa, duhh.

10. who is 13 going out with ?


I bet she's going out with her scandal, Shidah. Haahs.

11. would you ever date with 17 ?


No waaayyy! We're not lesbians, alright?

12. where does 18 live ?


Somewhere near Ranggung lrt, which is near North Vista Sec. xD

13. what is the best thing about 4 ?


She's a great friend whom you can turn to and also sneaky sometimes, I swear. She has the potential to give you a shock despite her quiet-ness. Haahs (;

14. what would you like to tell 10 right now ?


Pal, IMY and ILY. Muackz.

15. what's the best thing about 20 ?

She's retarded + crazy + random + insanity. But still, she has a good heart.

16. have you ever kiss 2 ?


Nopee, but we do hug each other whenever we meet.

17. what is the best memory you have of 5 ?


She an awesome "twin sister"of mine.

18. when is the next time you will be seeing 4 ?

In about eight and a half hour or so? Tmrw school mahh. Lols.

19. how is 7 different from 6 ?


No difference EXCEPT the scares. Kina does it better, haahs. Otherwise, they're more or less the same.

20. is 2 pretty ?

Oh jyeahhhh, OF COURSE xD

21. what is the first impression of 15 ?

A decent freak. Haahs!

22. how did you meet 3 ?

Coral Sec xD

23. is 15 one of your best friends ?


Normal friend ?

24. do you hate 12 ?


Nopee, obviously!

25. have you seen 18 in the last month ?


Not in the last month but I did see her today and even talked to her. xD

26. when was the last time you saw 16 ?

Last month? Jyeah, should be.

27. have you been to 5's house ?


Nehh (;

28. when is the next time you will see 10 ?


The next school day, which is tmrw. SMILES.

29. are you close to 11 ?


Yes, duhh. Best friends, rmb? Mum regards her as her GOD-DAUGHTER lehh. How close can that be? ILY, bestie.

30. have you been to a movie with 1 ?

:D Jyeah. Just went on Monday, Youth Day. Geez.

31. have you gotten any trouble with 8 ?


Err . no ? Haahs .

32. will you give 19 a hug ?

Jyeahhh! He's my best KOR, aites? I did hug him on 17 April, The Graduation Night for Band, as well as, RENCE JIE-JIE.

33. when have you lied to 3 ?


Nopee. And I PROMISE I won't. Never once. (;

34. is 11 good in socializing ?


Yes, most of the time.

35. do you know a secret about 8 ?


Erm, I don't so. Do I, Nica?

36. describe the relationship between 12 & 18 ?

Total strangers. xD

37. what's the best thing about your relationship with 9 ?

We always argue. Does that counts? Haahs. xD

38. what's the worst thing about 6 ?


Her laughter makes me laugh. xD

39. have you ever have a crush with 12 ?

Im not a LES.

40. how long have you known 2 ?


It's the second year right now and still counting (;

41. does 11 have any boyfriend or girlfriend ?

Haahs, jyeah! Ssshhh!

42. have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face ?

No no no! Geez.

43. have 21 meet your parents ?
;Siti Hajar

44. how did you meet 11 ?

Same Pri Sch & were classmates for 3 consecutive years plus another year with her twin sis. xD

45. did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3 ?
Err, dont think so. Haha.

46. do you live close to 7 ?


No No. She stays at Serangoon. ):

47. what's 8 favourite food ?


Erm, IDK? Fruits and vegetables, I guess? Since she cant take meat/seafood. (PS. SHE'S NOT A VEGETARIAN, THOUGH)

48. what kind of car does 1 have ?


Err, do u even have a license, my dear? Haahs xD

49. have you travelled anywhere with 9 ?


Yeapp, to HK for 5D 4N. (;

50. if 14 have $100 , what would he/she spend it on ?

Handphone accessories? Like headphone, I guess?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Youth Day.

Yesterday's was a blast!
Met Amira at WS ard 12-ish.
Amira's the early bird. She was there even before 12.
But well, I was late by 10 mins or so? Jyeah.

After, went to KFC for our lunch and the story's Im telling next is a hilarious one.
Amira and I ordered our food and ate real slow as Alyssa has yet to arrvied.
Alyssa text-ed me and asked where were we. And so, I told her.
But the weirdest part was that she didn't asked which KFC we're at. Lols.
She was in the train when she text-ed.
So, Amira and I gave her like 15 mins' grace. Pasir Ris is just 2 stations away from Simei.
Waited and waited and waited. Didn't see the sight of her.
Amira and I were wondering what took her so long.
I called her.
Me; Hello, Alyssa. Did you like slept in the train or something? Haahs.
(the fact that she overslept and she could still be tired, that why)
Alyssa; Erm, no laa. Im like walking to E!hub.
Me;WHAT, E!hub?! We're at WS. Lols.
Alyssa; OMGGG! Haaaiyooo! Nvm, dhen. I'll bus there.
Me; Alright. We'll wait.
Hang-ed up. Amira and I were laughing over the conversation.
Pity, Alyssa.
1300 hrs, sharp. Our Dearest Princess Alyssa arrived.
Alyssa had her meal while the two of us waited for her.
Talk and talk and talk.
There's alot to catch up with them, though.
Aftermath, bus-ed down to E!hub.
We were lazy to walk and also rushing for time.
We planned to catch the 2pm show. So jyeah. CHOP, CHOP!
Reached E!hub and went up to the 4th level.
Queued for the tics.
We've the the final three seats for the slot, which is the first row.
Well, we just went with it cos can't afford to watch anything that's later.
Why? We're meeting Jeleen at 4.30pm.
Transformer's a two and a half hour show.
Went in to the theatre. Erm, well. The front row isn't that bad after all.
Just lift ur neck a little and you can enjoy the show comfortable already.

  • Awesome
  • Great scenes, esp the ones in Egypt
  • I love it, though I didn't manage to catch Transformer I, but I understood the storyline
  • It's a MUST watch show.
  • I'll rate it 7/5, the extra 2 came from the pure happiness and enjoyment I've got. (:
Jeleen's already waiting for us when we came out from the theatre.
She's treating us dinner. Aww, sweet right?
Well, it's an early birthday treat from her.
Her birthday falls on 11 July, but cos she's booked on her birthday, so an advanced one it shall be.
I was freezing + shivering the moment we stepped out.
We walked around DT before heading down to Tamp One.
Talk and talk and talk.
And when Jeleen's with us, all the craps are coming out. Heehs.
And the sidekicks, Amira + Alyssa; Only God knows how crazy it was.
I was quiet, I know.
Bus-ed to Tamp.
In the bus, the trios asked me lots of ques about (insertnamehere).
Gals, there seriously nothing between us.
We're just close friends + text-ing companion, nothing more.
Alighted, walked and talked.
They don't seems to be convinced of my confessions.
But whatever. Im not lying to myself, anw.
Had the dinner at F.I.S.H (by Fish & Co.)
Ordered our food.
Talked while waiting for the food to be served.
Erm, Im skipping the convo part this time.
Cos it's just supposed to be between us ONLY, right gals?
We started to eat after all the food are being served.
It's basic table etiquette that we've practiced all this while in a fine-dining restaurant.
Oh, whoah! Lols.
There's TOTAL silence once everyone's eating. This always happens between us.
We shared a huge glass of Jungle Freeze. It's perfect.
Aftermath, we had Candy Floss. Yummy-nees, though Im not a fan of candy.
When everything's done, bill settled by Queen Jeleen (inside joke) .
Walked to TM for Toys'R'US. We often do that when we're there. (:
Walked around a little and home-ed.
I bus-ed 27 dhen 88.
Tired, yet fun.

Got home, no one's at home.
Mum's brough Granny & Sis to Vivo City for relaxation.
Sis was upset cos I didn't brought her along. Oopss.
But I did get her fave chocolate in return, though.
Bath-ed, changed, rest-ed and slept.
Idk what time they came home. I slept at 11-ish?
Maybe they reached home soon after that, I guess.

Pictures aren't with me but Amira.
I'll upload them once I got them from her (:

Gals, I really had a great time with you all.
I appreciate the accompaniment.
I love to spent the time with you all.
Well, there's more to catch up soon.
More plannings coming up, rite?
Jeleen's & Alyssa birthdays + Harry Potter!
Can't wait!
With love,

I've got a busy schedule this few weeks despite the temporary stand down for CCAs.
#1 Malay Poetry cum Skit competition on 25 July.
~ Tough fight, though.
~ Our "enemies" are Victoria Sch, St Pat's, CHIJ Katong C., TKGS, (?)I CANT RMB THE SCH and US, PHSS
~ Just give our best shot and not being a sore loser.

#2 Wall Mural design (ART)
~ With conjunction if the YOG in 2010.
~ Each class send an entry.
~ The best entry will take the lead of doing a wall mural in school!
~ Due date - Week 4 but Ms Li wants us to give it to her next Tue.

#3 Banner and SchoolPage design (Concert Band)
~ Banner's due on 24 July
~ SchoolPage's due on 31 July
~ All EXCOs are involved

All these may sound easy but they aren't. Lots of time and effort has to be sacrificed in order for ALL to complete. Argghh, tiring but it should be worth it if you think positive.
With that, I shall end the post here. Toodles.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Alyssa, Amira, Jeleen and myself;
We're going for a movie tmrw at E!hub.
At back-to-back reunion is what I've been waiting for.
Im so so so excited for this.
Time, please fly faster.
(Jyeah, right Sab. In your dreams, gal!)
We're watching TRANSFORMERS.
Wee ~
I love them, and of course, miss them too.
They rock, alright?
Will enjoy the day tmrw.

People, do visit onto the last link on my list named Charmaine.
She's in need of help.
Together, we can make a difference for this 4-year-old pretty little girl.

Saturday, July 4, 2009



Friday, July 3, 2009

I'll post about this week but not so detailed, I tink ? Im not in the mood to elaborate unless its an interesting incident/event.

Monday, 29 June
Goodbye hols, Hello school. Back from vacation. There's a few new teachers for our class.
History ; Ms Nalini - She's awesome. Well, I like her alright?
Art ; Ms Li - ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT, is what bySNAR and I had been waiting for! The teacher's pretty, which caught the attention of the class, esp BOYS. She's frm NAFA. So jyeah, expect the unexpected.
Sci ; Ms Wong - Erm, I'll rate her 3/5? I prefer Mr Chua. In fact, the whole class wants him back.
ML ; Cikgu Faizah - She's like Cikgu Suhaila? A little, I guess. I like her.
The day went as scheduled but didn't had proper lessons. We didn't bring our books, anw.
Md Ilham Bahrom text-ed me today after (?) months he went MIA. He's proud that (insertreasonhere). Like wthell? I didn't ask laa seyh. Im lovin what I am right now.

Tuesday, 30 June
Went to school with Kina & Yvonne by cab. I late laa dhen mummy say take cab so I called them lor. I sponsor. After, school was normal. After school, slack-ed with FarhanaTWINNIE at CP before heading home. She's my best SIS laa. We think alike, somehow and thus we don't have conflicts. But dhen, I cant accept the fact that she's (insertreasonhere). Sis, would you change your mind? Puh-leash? But whatever it is, I'll respect ur decision.
Home-ed, bath-ed, hwk-ed, text-ed.
ater at night, hp's being a bitch. I can't text and it's damn bloody frustrating, alright? I was texting and dhen suddenly it says "SENDING FAILED". Urgghh, skip that.

Wednesday, 1 July
Can't remember what happened during school. LOLs. After school, went for lunch with Caroline and Eileen Per. At the same time, had our discussion for CME project.
#1 Saw Md Ilham Bahrom while entering Banquet. Sombong siol. But I swear it's only the second time this year, I saw him. Last met was 02 Jan 09. Pathetic much? Jyeah.
#2 Saw Asiyah Abd Halim at the same area different angle. We did met but can't rmb when was the last time.
Aftermath, went home. Bath-ed, hwk-ed, lappy-ing and sweetdream-ing.

Thursday, 2 July
Went for lunch with SakinaCousin and Mirza tagged along. Ate at KFC. Soon after, Shidah & Asiyah spotted us. Mirza was PAISEYHH . 4 vs 1 laa, thats why. Pity him. Im sorry, friend.
He left right after he finished his food. Lols, the way he gobbled down his food was hilarious. Walk-ed around. Layan-kan Cousin & Asiyah. Ehk, my body aching and you gals didn't "allow" me to go home. Tired, you know. Jyeah, I was bullied.
Train-ed home, hwk-ed, frustrated (readers, you should know why), sleep

Friday, 3 July
Chiong-ed home after school. Had lunch and dhen bath-ed. Waited for sis & cousinS to reach home, did some of my hwk-s. They reached home, bath-ed had their lunch. Got ready for religious class and left house at 3-plus. Today, recital only. Managed to clear by 5.15-ish. Went home, rested. Continue-ed with Maths. I hereby confessed that the current topic now is tough. Im not getting the other 30-ish% of it. Ive more or less understood Chap 7 but Chap 8 is still alienation to me. I'll do smth about it.
Currently ;
- Chatting with Asiyah, SakinaCOUSIN & Amira.
- Wee ~ Bros (COUSINS) and aunt (aka Mama) from JB drove in here , to Spore. So glad to see them. Abg Aan right beside me on the comp (: Abg Sya's away driving out there, bringing Mama and Mum to somewhr. Kesian abgQUSH; Baru dtg dah kene jadi chauffeur. Tkpe laa kans. After tmrw, you'll be back to your college in KL, right? Dhen, we/you wont know when will you have the time to be back here. All the best for your studies. Success, aites?
- Finding answers to questions that had been hanging in mind with a HUGE QUESTION MARK(?)
I need to carify my doubts ASAP, someone.
I'll get my hp fixed and text you right at once.