Friday, January 9, 2009

Recap For The Week

Well , I'm back here . I've not blog for like the whole week ?! I shall recap the week and see how the journey goes during the first week of school . Basically , the week was fine . I'm trying my best to adapt to the new environment . 2E6 seems to be a welcoming class . They welcomed me , Zi Yi and Daniel with open arms . It's quite comfortable . So far , there hadn't been any problem communicating with them . I am happy how things going on .
Monday , 5 January ;
It was first day of proper lesson . But teachers practically didn't start lesson proper as it was the first . We got to know our subject teachers . First , it was Malay . Ms Suhaila is our teacher . She was pretty , though . A young , sweet and kind-hearted teacher . She asked if anyone wants to volunteer to be the ML rep . No one responded . She randomly picked a guy and a girl ; It was Shazwan (2E4) and Me . I very much didnt want a role . But I guess and experience is a must . So yeah . I don't know my classmates yet . As in , their name . Till now , I'm still learning their name . Practicall everyday , there's something to be given out . I'm trying my best , aite ? Next , Lit ; Ms Audrey Sim . She's a young , fine lady-teacher . She made us play the "Human Bingo" . It'a exactly the same as how it used to be played in reality . The only diff ; Instead of numbers being called out , names were instead . The person whose name was called out had to intro . "What is your name ? What is your dream ?" It's interesting . Then , it was recess . I hanged-out with Diyanah and twin sis . Actually , I knew them since last year . We were in the same tution . After recess , we had English . Mdm Low , who's our FT , teaches us . She settled admin stuff . Such as collection of Report Book and the Class Committee . She chose me as the class' Secretary . I was stunned . I was like , 'Ok' . Things went on and on . She discussed with us about many things . Blahblahblah . After that , Science . Mr Chua is our teacher . Now , this is what I found really odd . In Pei Hwa , all the 3 principles of Science are taken as one subject whereas in Coral , they're separated . When I looked through the textbook (Mr Chua didn't start lesson , though) , the topics that are going to be taught are those which I had learnt last year and came out for EOY . And I thought , this would be a so-called revision for me . Thus , I should be doing better . I really want to do well for Science . Then , Mathematics ; Ms Yang is the teacher . I found out that she was the Maths teacher for the class last year . She had high expectations . Eg . Presentation , working , etc . etc . etc . She's kindda strict but there's a reason . I understand . Mr Leong (in Coral) , too had high expectations , though . So yeah . And lastly , we had Ms Ruva as our Geography teacher . She's reasonable , too . She had set a certain standard of the class . Every teacher wants the best for the class , right ? Think ahead . At the end of the day , the party that benfits are the students . That was my first day . A warm-welcome .
Tuesday , 6 January ;
Basically , the teachers began teaching lesson proper . There Malay , Science , English , Maths and Lit . Things were normal . I just need time to adapt the teaching systems and modules . It's totally diff . But that's the point . There's always many changes that had to be done in life . I always talk to mum about my day . She would give me suggestions and stuffs . She understand that it was had to adapt . Thus , she always supprort me . Thanks , mummy (: ILY .
Wednesday , 7 January ;
After flag-raising , the Sec 4s and 5s had Hair and Attire check . As always . It's common in all sec sch . Many were caught . Some were given immediate In-House suspension . Hmpftt . It was suppose to give the rest of the school a lesson . Know the rules , check your style .
Thursday , 8 January ;
Well , though we aren't together anymore , I still remember P6/3'07 classmates birthdays . I'm trying my best to recall . I was your leader for one and a half year . Everyday , I would look through the class diary . So yeah . I would really want a reunite gathering . But it's hard to gather you guys . The class blog is like already , DEAD (?) No one's visiting it except for me . I really hope that the class would reunite again and replay all those moments we had during the two years . I really hope my wish will come true .
Friday , 9 January ;
I'm happy for my sis for being seleted to serve the school . She will be tone of the prefrects in North Spring Pri . She was happy . It would be her first-time . She will have the Prefects' Investiture on Mon during assembly , she said . She's excited about it . Personally , she has the potential . She's responsible and takes pride in completing task . She had always want a role when she sees me wearing a tie with the Classleader's badge when I was in Compassvale Pri . My family and I had always been supportive of each other . My sis was the youngest the family , therefore , there's many that she needs to learn and understand . Upon hearing the news that she'll be a prefect , my family and I were happy for her . Mum said that she took me as her role model . Thus , I have to know what I'm doing . She's leading by example . To my dear sis , we'll al be there for you .

To end off , I'm looking to my wishes and everything that I've wrote in this long post .
Love ,

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