Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ouh well . There's a reason why I blog about today . I'll tell you why .
School was fine today .

DT ; Mr Yeo & Mr Chong brought us to class for theory lesson . Learnt about structures . Blahblahblah . Then , we had to draw our very own product consisting of photo frame , plus another usage .. Obviously , we all had to redo as it wasn't up to standard . Whatever .

Recess ; Hanged-out with the normal cliques in school . As usual , I would always see that BITCH face . Well , this is the first time I wrote about her in my blog . It's frustrating enough to see her BITCHY face everyday . Even Diyanah says that she and her cliques are all asking for a tight slap . If you people know which Diyanah I'm talking about , I'm sure you will be shocked to know this .

Science ; Mr Chua came in . Taught us on Chemistry . Blahblahblah . At the end of the lesson , gave us homework of 7 pages , which has to be handed up tomorrow . Haih . Nvm . Hard work is the key to success .

MT ; Cikgu Suhaila's lesson . I sat in between Anis and Diyanah . As usual , Anis talked alot . Talking about her bf and stuffs . Ahh , whatever . Suddenly , she told me something which really breaks my heart .
Anis : Sab , aku ckp kao jgn marah , ehk ? (Sab , don't get angry if I were to tell you something)
Me : What ?
Anis : Shahidah(BITCH) ckp dier marah/geram dgn kao psl kao rampas Ilham dr dier . (Shahidah says that she's furious with you cos you stole Ilham frm her )
Me : Ehk , what has it got to do with me seyh ?
Anis : Psl dier jealous la , dier try tackle Ilham balik . (It's because she's jealous and doesnt want to lose to you that she tried to tackle Ilha back)
Me : Haha . Tackle ? Ilham had another 2 gf aft he broke up with me lurh deyh . So , when did she succeed to make Ilham accept her love for him , huh ? He's now single .
Anis : Idk lurh . That's what she told me .

Now , this is the reason why I blog about today . My dear Liiyah , you would be shocked to read this , I know . This is where I express my gratitude . So yeah .
Tell me readers , if you are in my shoes .. What's your feeling ? It's like Ilham and I no longer has any relationship ties . What more she wants , mayn ? Yes , I admit that we're still friends . But is that also the reason why she's having the greatest grudge on me , people ? Seriously , I dont blog about another person in here . Thus , I wish this would be the first and the last I'm blogging about her . I really can't take it .

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I know I have not been blogging . Thus , to my dear readers ; Please bear with it . I will only post during the weekends . So yeah .
Nothing much happened last week . Therefore , I shall not talk about it . This week is the most tiring week ever .

Monday , 19 January
It's basically the beginning of the week . The class was having Monday blues . Kindda boring , though . But it's sure feels irritating when Guolin is there . He talks alot . But they all sounds nonsensical . Haha . Right , Diyanah ? Well , great minds think alike .

Tuesday , 20 January & Wednesday , 21 January
It was a great expereience to perform during LSA & USA. It was my first time performing for PHSS . I fake play , most of the time , though . Hehe . Please understand ; I only joined them this year , ok ? But I did play some parts , alright ? I'm looking forward to implement more knowledge from my seniors ; Joey , Rence , Yi Jie & Eunice . I enjoy being with them .

Thursday , 22 January
Had CCA in the afternoon . It was a tiring day . Ended early , though . Finished all my homeworks and wemt to bed early .

Friday , 23 January
Had CNY concert cum Scholarship presentation . The concer t was great . The band played "I Need To Be In Love" , specially for Mrs Yeo , who's leaving to pursue her studies in Australia . And then , a medley of CNY songs . I feel honoured to be up there on stage , wearing the Full Band Uni . It's really hot , though . Imagine in blazer and the spotlight on you . Oh , wow ! In the afternoon , had CCA till 4 . Mr Tang called off the day early cos it was a long week throughout . After prac , we had a feast together with Mrs Yeo , Band Teachers-In-Charge & Mr Tang . Had pizza . After that , I met Sakina at CP and we straight away go for religious class . We changed there . It was kindda fast , though . Mummy fetched me as she was on her way from work .

Saturday , 24 January
Woke up at 7.30am & got ready for tuition . Took 88 there . We got back our pre-test papers today . I scored 49/80 for English and 28/50 for Maths . Had fun in class . Being the Chairman of the class , I'm trying my best to bond the class and interact with them . It takes time , I know . But one mission had succeed . Sofia and Aqila did talk today . Next mission is to make Shazwan and Nurwira Hayat talk . They are sitting beside each other but have yet to talk . Hmph . Shy ke ? Haiyaa .

To my dear friend , ASIYAH BTE ABD HALIM ;
I've just read your blog and I will fulfil your request . I shall update about that day .

Monday , 19 January
Went to school as per normal . It was a pretty fine day . At around 11-plus , Asiyah text-ed me and asked if I could accompany her to pay her bills . I thought about it and I said 'Ok' . Hehs , I know I was being naughty to use hp during class . It wasn't on purpose , ok ? Apparently , I didnt know that I did not off my hp .
After school , I met her . When we reached S'pore Post , it was seriously damn long queue . So , decided to drop the idea of waiting . What's more it's already 2-plus and I had to go for religious class at 4 .
Decided to have lunch at McD . Went there and met Shah and his friends . We were about to enter McD when Asiyah was like , 'Ehk , Shahidah !' I was like 'So what ? Let's just go in by the back door , then.' And we did . Shahidah was with Iqram and another guy . Queued to order our food . While walking back , I shouted 'Bitch' to Asiyah but it was Shahidah who turned back . Terasa ke pe ? I told Asiyah about it . She told me that she just said 'I rather be a bitch than a slut' to Shahidah . So I guess , that's why the wrong person responded . Hahaha . After lunch , headed back straight home . And then , got ready for class .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The days ahead . Well , you will realised that I don't blog often . I'm in a pretty tight schedule . Therefore , I always recap my past days . I shall begin (:

Monday , 12 January

Went to school as per normal . Both my parents weren't working . Daddy had accompanied Mummy to SGH for her check-up . I don't how to say about her condition . It's like on her frontside of her hand , she had the kind of marble-shape thingy sticking out . I'm not sure what it is . It looks like her bone that dislocate . But doc says it isn't . Nevermind about that . In the afternoon , went for religious class . I really enjoy coming for class as time goes by . There's always something new to learn . In the past , I used to come up with several excuses to tell granny and mummy just because I was lazy to attend classes . However , most of the time I don't get away with those excuses . As I grow older , I changed my mindset . Thus , this helps me . Since then , I'm always looking forward to every lesson and try my best not to miss any unless there's really an unforeseen circumstances . Lastly , my sis had officially being reocognised into the prefects committee . She came home with her tie and the prefects' badge . She was happy . This role had made her being determined to strive hard and succeed in everything she do . And so , maybe one day ; She can be the next Head Prefect or the Vice Head Prefect . Insya'allah .

Tuesday , 13 January
School was great on that day . Not for the fact of the teaching and stuffs . But for the fact that we , as a class , managed to pranked 2 of our teachers . During English lesson , Mdm Low came in to class . We greeted her . Blahblahblah . Then , Nica and Kina went up to Mdm Low and said "Mdm Low , this is a sweet . It is from the class . Hope you like it ." Mdm Low immediately consumed the sweet . We applauded . Well , we were having wings tucked in our jackets , that's why . Mdm Low gave that shocking + speechless kind of expression . We knew why . The sweet neither taste sweet nor sour . Guess what's the taste ?! HOT AND SPICY !!! Aldwin was the one who brought the sweet . On it's wrapper , it's written 'I LOVE SINGAPORE' . Mdm Low wasn't angry , though . In fact she did say 'Thank You' but in a sarcastic way . Hehe . The class had a great time laughing our ass-es off , mayn .
The other teacher was was pranked was , Ms Audrey Sim , who teaches us Literature . We did exactly the same techinque . But Ms Sim seems to bear with the spicy-ness . She didn't had any reaction except for the fact that she did say "Hey , it's spicy ." But I guess , she used to have spicy food . Well , that was a great day . And dhen , I had CCA after school and reached home at 7 . It was a tiring day , though .

Wednesday , 14 January
Today , in history . We didn't have any homework . It was pretty odd cos homework had always been piling up since the first day of school . Diyanah and I were unsure and thus , we've asked our other classmates . They too , realised it was odd . We were all like ; "Seriously , there's no homework ?" etc . Therefore , we will all be quite free in the afternoon except for the fact that some had tuition or have not finished yesterday's Maths work . But that should not take us that long to complete . I had my lunch before I had my shower . After that , did my Maths which took me about half an hour or so . After that , I had a good afternoon . I was sleepy as I did not have a good sleep the previous night due to homeworks . I watched teevee when I woke up and had dinner after that . More teevee and now , blogging . Currently , chatting with Liiyah too .

Love ,

Friday, January 9, 2009

Recap For The Week

Well , I'm back here . I've not blog for like the whole week ?! I shall recap the week and see how the journey goes during the first week of school . Basically , the week was fine . I'm trying my best to adapt to the new environment . 2E6 seems to be a welcoming class . They welcomed me , Zi Yi and Daniel with open arms . It's quite comfortable . So far , there hadn't been any problem communicating with them . I am happy how things going on .
Monday , 5 January ;
It was first day of proper lesson . But teachers practically didn't start lesson proper as it was the first . We got to know our subject teachers . First , it was Malay . Ms Suhaila is our teacher . She was pretty , though . A young , sweet and kind-hearted teacher . She asked if anyone wants to volunteer to be the ML rep . No one responded . She randomly picked a guy and a girl ; It was Shazwan (2E4) and Me . I very much didnt want a role . But I guess and experience is a must . So yeah . I don't know my classmates yet . As in , their name . Till now , I'm still learning their name . Practicall everyday , there's something to be given out . I'm trying my best , aite ? Next , Lit ; Ms Audrey Sim . She's a young , fine lady-teacher . She made us play the "Human Bingo" . It'a exactly the same as how it used to be played in reality . The only diff ; Instead of numbers being called out , names were instead . The person whose name was called out had to intro . "What is your name ? What is your dream ?" It's interesting . Then , it was recess . I hanged-out with Diyanah and twin sis . Actually , I knew them since last year . We were in the same tution . After recess , we had English . Mdm Low , who's our FT , teaches us . She settled admin stuff . Such as collection of Report Book and the Class Committee . She chose me as the class' Secretary . I was stunned . I was like , 'Ok' . Things went on and on . She discussed with us about many things . Blahblahblah . After that , Science . Mr Chua is our teacher . Now , this is what I found really odd . In Pei Hwa , all the 3 principles of Science are taken as one subject whereas in Coral , they're separated . When I looked through the textbook (Mr Chua didn't start lesson , though) , the topics that are going to be taught are those which I had learnt last year and came out for EOY . And I thought , this would be a so-called revision for me . Thus , I should be doing better . I really want to do well for Science . Then , Mathematics ; Ms Yang is the teacher . I found out that she was the Maths teacher for the class last year . She had high expectations . Eg . Presentation , working , etc . etc . etc . She's kindda strict but there's a reason . I understand . Mr Leong (in Coral) , too had high expectations , though . So yeah . And lastly , we had Ms Ruva as our Geography teacher . She's reasonable , too . She had set a certain standard of the class . Every teacher wants the best for the class , right ? Think ahead . At the end of the day , the party that benfits are the students . That was my first day . A warm-welcome .
Tuesday , 6 January ;
Basically , the teachers began teaching lesson proper . There Malay , Science , English , Maths and Lit . Things were normal . I just need time to adapt the teaching systems and modules . It's totally diff . But that's the point . There's always many changes that had to be done in life . I always talk to mum about my day . She would give me suggestions and stuffs . She understand that it was had to adapt . Thus , she always supprort me . Thanks , mummy (: ILY .
Wednesday , 7 January ;
After flag-raising , the Sec 4s and 5s had Hair and Attire check . As always . It's common in all sec sch . Many were caught . Some were given immediate In-House suspension . Hmpftt . It was suppose to give the rest of the school a lesson . Know the rules , check your style .
Thursday , 8 January ;
Well , though we aren't together anymore , I still remember P6/3'07 classmates birthdays . I'm trying my best to recall . I was your leader for one and a half year . Everyday , I would look through the class diary . So yeah . I would really want a reunite gathering . But it's hard to gather you guys . The class blog is like already , DEAD (?) No one's visiting it except for me . I really hope that the class would reunite again and replay all those moments we had during the two years . I really hope my wish will come true .
Friday , 9 January ;
I'm happy for my sis for being seleted to serve the school . She will be tone of the prefrects in North Spring Pri . She was happy . It would be her first-time . She will have the Prefects' Investiture on Mon during assembly , she said . She's excited about it . Personally , she has the potential . She's responsible and takes pride in completing task . She had always want a role when she sees me wearing a tie with the Classleader's badge when I was in Compassvale Pri . My family and I had always been supportive of each other . My sis was the youngest the family , therefore , there's many that she needs to learn and understand . Upon hearing the news that she'll be a prefect , my family and I were happy for her . Mum said that she took me as her role model . Thus , I have to know what I'm doing . She's leading by example . To my dear sis , we'll al be there for you .

To end off , I'm looking to my wishes and everything that I've wrote in this long post .
Love ,

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday | Weekend Break

Woke up at 1345 hrs . I checked my hp . There was a msg frm Ilham . Practically , he wanted a chat . I didn't reply him as I thought that it would be great if I have my shower first . And I did . Blahblahblah . After that , I replied Ilham's msg . I had my lunch while msg-ing him , though . It was quite a long chat . Hmpft . Mainly because he likes to find fault but would ended up losing to me , though . Haha . Nevermind about that . Later in the afternoon , I went online . Asiyah chatted with me . She had a tiff with Shah . She told me everything and I was like 'Ok' . After awhile , I had an incoming msg ; From Ilham , asking me if I could help . I was like ; What is it ?
Well , I shall not write about it ; It's between Asiyah , Shah , Ilham and me . Something about sorting things out , btw . I went offline shortly after that . Watched teevee with granny , mummy and sis . At 8 , I watched HSM 3 on DVD . It was a great show . I love those scenes with Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Anne Hudgens) . They had a typical chemistry . So sweet . After the show , I had supper . Ate instant noodles . Then , I thought for another movie . But I changed my mind . I went into my room and watched teevee , instead . Stayed up till really late before I went to sleep .
Love ,

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello School | Life In Pei Hwa Begins

It was my first day in Pei Hwa Secondary . I can't expect for the best and so , I only hope for the best . The environment , obviously isn't any bit similar to Coral Secondary but I came in with the same goal ; To study and achieve what I deserve .
I am in 2E6 . Well , I wasn't the only one who's new to the school , though . There's another 2 students ; One was from Siglap Secondary and the other was from (?) . I forget . I thought that it was a great new as I knew that I wouldn't be the only one being left out . Why do I say that ? Well , the rest of the 33 students were classmates , last year (PHSS didn't shuffle classes like what CSS did , though) . But then , I realised that I was wrong . The 2 new students had primary school mates in that class . Gosh ! Oh no , mayn . I'm not saying that I don't have any primary school mates there but they're all in other classes . Thankfully , there's Diyanah . She was my tuition-mate in MTS . She volunteered to be my buddy who'll guide me along . Thanks , buddy (:

After school , I fetched my younger sis and off we went for lunch . Went to CP and met Asiyah , Shah and Ilham . We had lunch together at KFC . As usual , we joke and laughed our ass off . Sis was being sarcastic to Ilham and Shah , though . She regarded them as their elder bros since the first met . i wouldn't mind that , though . We seriously had a great time together . After lunch , we headed to Banquet . I had to buy Laksa and Carrot Cake for granny and aunt respectively . We walked for awhile and went home . Asiyah , Shah and Ilham walked home whereas Sis and I lrt-ed back . I had my bath as soon as I got home . And then , a good afternoon nap . Woke up at 6-plus (?) . I wasn't sure . Watched teevee . Went over to Cik Yah's place when mum got home at around 8 . Had a family feast . Awesome ! Went home at around midnight . Stay up till late before I dozed off .

Love ,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009 , Goodbye 2008

A new year would always begin with a new resoulution .
And mine would be ; I want to strive hard to succeed in everything I do , be it academic or non-academic . Both are equally important , though .
This year , I would be sitting for my streaming exams . This is crucial . It would determine my career . Why is that so ? Well , I have to choose my course for Sec 3 & whatever I chose will be the subjects that I'll sit for in GCE 'O' level in two years' time . This would be tough . Thus I must not give up hope .
"I always believe that there's always someone guiding me into the right path and show me how to grow strong without fears . Day by day , I gather knowledge filled with strength and love . Thus , I know that I'm on the right way it should be . And it shows that it's true as what I am today . I'm looking forward to digest more knowledge as learning is a never ending process " I'm actually referring to educators (teachers , tutors , etc . etc . etc .)

Love ,